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Stay Safe with R.W.Deckert, part of The RW Deckert Group, is a personal safety company that aims to educate the public on methods of preparedness, awareness and self defense.
My bio includes Army Special Intelligence which included: weapons, deadly contact instruction, methods of entry, psychological interrogation and complex awareness & surveillance operations.

I have also studied Martial Arts to the level of learning how to recognize a potentially dangerous situation, attempt to minimize the exposure but if not possible do what is necessary to dispose of the assailant.

The above positions and experience, along with my insurance and loss consulting background, have given me the experience to become an author and expert in employee embezzlement and situational awareness, including topics relating to how to  avoid being a victim in any venue including: office, school, shopping, traveling or on vacation. To date, I have trained over 9000 people, in many professions and other positions. 

Through seminars, individual consulting, interactive exercises, pertinent topic literature and products, Stay Safe with R.W. Deckert connects women and men with the tools empowering them to be safe.  Seminars vary in content, as they are personalized to the needs of the organization, school, community center, or any other group that would like to prepare their staff or members on personal safety (including financial safety).

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